Hi classmates, in this last post I going to talk about some reflection about this first semester 2020 (so far)
In the first place the good things, my achievements. I think that difficult situation are always an opportunity to grow up, understand life better and take better decisions. In the beginning of pandemic it was really hard to have a schedule and habits in my house, because I used to spend most of the time out of my house, at the university, work and rehearsals, the good part of all this is that I managed to build a schedule and good habits. I also returned to yoga practice tree times a week, this would have been impossible in a normal situation, because I wouldn’t have enough time. And last but not least I discovered new hobbies like: carpentry, I learned to use the sewing machine and practice yoga tree times a week.
The situations that haven't worked so well are some argument and differences of opinion with some members of my house, but I think is normal after 6 months of quarantine, and I get some extra kilos in my body (in my opinion) is not terrible, but sometimes it puts me in a bad mood
This is the last blog post (OMG), it was a new experience for me, sometimes very difficult, and most of the time very interesting.
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